Update Released

  • 17 July 2023

The latest Snipping Tool update from Microsoft has brought a number of changes, fixes, and new features designed to enhance user experience significantly. This article aims to give a detailed description of these enhancements, making it easier for you to fully exploit the rich capabilities of this essential Windows accessory.

To start with, one of the most significant changes in the Snipping Tool update is the introduction of a delay feature. This feature allows users to set a delay in seconds before a snip is captured. This is especially useful when you need to capture tooltips or other objects that only appear after a certain action, like hovering the mouse over them.

Microsoft has also made modifications to the mode selections. In the previous versions, users were limited to only rectangular, full-screen, window, and free-form snip. With the update, however, a custom rectangular snip feature has been added. This feature allows you to capture a portion of the screen by simply dragging the cursor around the area you want to capture.

In terms of fixes, the update has addressed the issue where the Snipping Tool would crash when attempting to snip an empty space on the desktop. Also, an annoying bug that caused the snipping area to shift when trying to capture a subsequent snip has been corrected. Users can now capture multiple snips successively without experiencing any shifts in the snipping area.

New features have also been introduced to enhance user experience. A standout one is the integration of the Snipping Tool with OneNote and Outlook. This feature allows users to send snips directly to these applications, making it easy to share screenshots. Moreover, for those who love customization, you can now save your favorite snips as favorites and also assign shortcut keys to them.

Last but not least, the Snipping Tool now has a more responsive and user-friendly interface. The toolbar has been arranged more intuitively, making it easy for users to pick the desired snipping mode or action.

In conclusion, the latest Snipping Tool update has significantly improved the user experience. From the new delay feature, mode selections, and bug fixes to the integration with OneNote and Outlook, there's certainly more to explore and enjoy with this handy screenshot tool. So, go ahead and update your Snipping Tool to enjoy these exciting features!

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